Front  Porch Devotionals

Good Morning!

Thank you for stopping by on Front Porch Devotionals. Honestly, I’m not sure what my goal is for this blog. It has been something that has been brewing in the back of my mind for awhile now (we’ll get to that in a little bit) and with a lot of encouragement from my family, I finally decided to go for it.

Have you ever had those moments where you just aren’t sure what you’re supposed to be doing, where you’re supposed to be at that moment in your life…what God’s plans are for you? You are not alone. You are not the only one who has ever had those thoughts. I have those exact same thoughts several times a day. I believe this is why I am writing to you all. While I don’t know God’s plans for me, I have learned to spend some quality quiet time reading, studying and praying.

As an at home mom there are some doubts that creep up. Usually they’re when I’ve had a bad day. Ya know, the ones where the house looks like a tornado ripped through it, the laundry didn’t get touched, the darling child colored on the wall…with markers…and the temper you try so hard to keep in check had a short fuse. Yep, those days, when you’re exhausted, worn down, doubt every thing you did that day. Those tend to be the days that hit me the hardest and my doubts almost choke me. I start to question what I am doing with my life, am I doing my children any good, did I show them enough love, what am I going to do when they’re out of the house…and on and on they go.

On one of my many sleepless nights I was sitting on the couch, wrapped in a blanket. I had just opened my Bible and with tears in my eyes I read:

” ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.’ ” (Jeremiah 29:11)

I just sat there, reading that precious verse over and over. I’m not sure if I had read it before and just never really paid attention to it, or if that was the first time I read it. Either way it burned itself onto my heart. I needed to hear those words. I needed to know that even though I felt completely clueless and so hopeless about what was going on in my life, God knew what was going on. God KNOWS what He has planned for me and He is not going to harm me. He has things He wants me to do with my life and for others.

I’d like to be able to say that once I read that verse my life changed overnight. I didn’t. There have been many uphill battles, low valleys and still a lot of doubts. However, over the years I have held tight to the fact that God has a plan for me. I pray that Jeremiah’s words touch your heart as they did mine. I pray God whispers to you telling you that He’s got you, He has a plan for you!

I believe that this is why I am writing this blog, as scary as this adventure is. I believe God has a plan for me in writing to you. I do not know where it will go or what He will do with it. I hope you stick around to find out with me.

See you on the front porch.

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