Front  Porch Devotionals

An End and a New Beginning

2019 is coming to a close! 2020 is on the horizon! How weird is that?

I stood in my family room, this morning, contemplating how fast this year went by. It seems like the shortest year I have ever lived. The whirlwind of events with the kids, new school (middle school, AH!) college classes for the oldest, new car, family and friends and their events, starting a blog, writing a study, moving…it was all so fast. I felt like I blinked and it was over. Where did it all go? I missed it, I missed so much!

However, a new beginning is near!

Now, the end of a year may bring a bit of anxiety to some. Maybe this year was a rough year, lots of unexpected trials stood in front of you. Some of us have lost loved ones and are still grieving, and a new year feels like you’re moving on without them. Maybe you have unanswered questions and are not looking forward to starting a new year ‘in the dark’. It might feel like you are leaving a comfort zone and stepping out into the unknown, and that can cause some fear.

Others may be eagerly anticipating the end of the year, looking forward to another fresh start, to get away from the obstacles of the past year. You might have great things planned for the new year, new home, new job, new family…new.

For me, I am eagerly looking forward to what 2020 brings, there are quite a few new adventures waiting for me and my family. Yet, at the same time I realize that I cannot get any of the time back that I wasted. I cannot step back into time and spend more time with my kids, family or friends. I don’t get a ‘do-over’ on hurts I may have cause. I cannot take back those hurtful words that left my mouth. I don’t get that last goodbye that I did not say. This causes me so much heartache and leaves a pain in my heart to know how I am leaving this year. Now, I can wallow in that muck while I welcome a new year, or I can take a deep breath, pick my head up and face this newness with a renewed heart.

What does this new year stir up in you? How will you face it? Will you still focus on those things behind you, or will you pick your chin up and face it with a sense of hope and renewal? I know…it’s scary…I get it. I really do!

Unsaid apologies. Words of love unspoken. Encouragement and helpful words that were caught up in your heart. Thanks and praise that never left your lips. Untold stories of grace and redemption. Hidden fears and worries. Soft, quiet prayers. Let’s not go into the new year with these hanging over our heads.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5: 17) This alone is unbelievably great news! We are new creations! Christ has taken the old us and given us such newness that we should celebrate! Wait…there’s more:

“All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them, And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.” (2 Corinthians 5: 18-19 emphasis mine)

I’m not sure who needs to hear this. I know I do. As we look back at this past year we shift our focus on those things we did not do, the hurts that we may have caused, the wrongs we faced, the hurt we endured from others, the heartache, the unknown test results, the grief, the loneliness…the list is long. We tend to forget all of the wonderful, valuable blessings we have received; that the wrongs we have done, and those wrongs done to us, are ultimately forgiven by our God…our Savior…our Creator.

What a magnificent way to start the new year! (I wanted to put a few more exclamation points there but thought it might be overkill.) He has reconciled us, all of us! He has made us new! We are new creations in Him!

Ah yes…I am making it sound so easy. I read a few verses and poof, all of those things that have pierced my heart are gone. The whole they left is covered. Um…no. No, that is not how it works. However, there is such hope in the fact that God is making all things new. ALL things.

While Revelation 21:5 is speaking of the New Jerusalem to come, we can look at this and see how God cares for his people, how he love us, that he wants to make all things new, “…’I am making everything new!’ Then he said, ‘Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.’ ”

While we are here, lets look at Revelations 21: 3-4:

“…’Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed.’ “

Again, I know this is speaking of the New Jerusalem…yet this still pertains to God and the love he has for his people!

He didn’t have to say write this down, and he didn’t have to tell us that his words are trustworthy and true. However, I am so glad that he did! I know some of us have been stung by words from others in our lives, that we have been let down by fake promises. That’s not our God! He does not lie, he does not throw hurtful words at us. He does not make promises he cannot keep. He does not hold grudges. He does not keep looking into our past to bring up our sins and short comings. NO! He wants to make us new!

Let that sink in for a moment. Forgiveness for you and for me, and for those who have hurt us. Our past sins have been forgotten. We are made NEW. His words to us can be trusted. God means what he says!

If this new year is scary and brings up some anxiety, lean into our God who is with us. Lean into his words. Lean into the newness he brings.

My prayer for you is that as you ring in the new year you will be filled with God’s peace and his grace. I pray that you will feel the newness of God and embrace it fully. May you forgive others who have wronged you, giving them the reconciliation that God brings to all of us. May you, most importantly, forgive yourself of anything you still have hanging over your head and our heart. May you walk forward with your chin up knowing you can trust your God to help you through whatever you might face this new year.

Many blessings to you in the New Year!!

See you on the front porch.

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